Life & Business Coaching with Christine Kell


How to slay that monster project


You have a big project due.

You’re overwhelmed.

You procrastinate.

Your brain short-circuits a bit every time you think about it.

Today, is the day you will

SLAY that monster project!

A woman in my Mastermind group yesterday was talking about how she’d been avoiding a big project — a big project that is due (like, a drop-dead due date) in two (2) days.

She thought she was using all the time management tools she’d learned correctly, because she was constraining her focus to just ONE project.

All her energy was focused on this one project, but she wasn’t actually doing anything to move it forward:

  • She was THINKING about the project a lot.

  • And, she was STRESSING about the project a lot.

  • But she wasn’t actually doing the things that would move the project forward to get it done.

The monster project

She was seeing this project as one big MONSTER PROJECT...

And that monster was due and coming for her in two days.

I suggested she not think of it as one big project.

The way to tackle a big project

Take that one big project and write down everything, like, all the things...that will need to get done to get it done.

Now, it’s a bunch of little projects — little, actionable projects.

BEFORE, her to-do list or calendar said, “Work on big project.”

“Work on...”

What does that even mean? Right?!

Break up big projects into tiny actions (or to do’s).

Ask yourself what needs to HAPPEN (exactly) in order to finish this “big” thing?

Write it all down.
Get it out of your head.

So, “design book cover” might become:

  • “meet with editor to discuss ideas”

  • “look at comp titles”

  • “walk in the park for an hour to brainstorm ideas”

  • “research themes & symbolism in [book subject]”

  • etc.

What are ALL the steps that need to happen to do this thing?

Do that, and your monster project becomes easier to see, do, and imagine getting done.

This cuts the overwhelm, calms you down, and allows you to focus... so you can actually do this thing.

The project is now doable and digestible — which reminds me of a riddle:


How do you eat an elephant?

Answer: One bite at time.*

Morbid, yet accurate and relevant.

*No elephants were harmed in the writing of this blog.

There’s so much more to mastering your time and overwhelm in my coaching programs, but this is a great intro to get you started!

* * *

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