It’s 2020 — What year are *you* living in?
me on the high school Girls Varsity Water Polo Team
We’re almost a full week into the new decade.
It’s 2020.
We know this.
But what year (or decade) are we actually living in?
Are you living an outdated identity?
I was thinking about this over the weekend when I saw my “swim supplies” box at the top of the bedroom closet.
Why do I have a whole box dedicated to swim supplies? you ask.
“Because,” I indignantly reply, “I am a swimmer. I play water polo.”
But, am I?
I haven’t played water polo since my freshman year in college (1990). And I haven’t swam competitively since… oh my… 2005.
That’s like 15 years!
Why do I still have an entire box in my closet with the following…?
five (5) swim suits (4 training bikinis & a one-piece for swim meets),
four (4) latex swim caps (you never know when one will rip),
three (3) pair of goggles,
two (2) very-stale jars of Aveda Brilliant humectant pomade (to protect hair from chlorinated water), and
one (1) bottle of UltraSwim chlorine removal shampoo (which surprisingly smelled the same after all these years—What kind of chemicals are in that?).
My point is:
I still identify as a swimmer.
So of course, I think I “need” all these competitive swimming supplies!
Never mind that I haven’t been in chlorinated water in two years.
Or, that I went to the ocean only twice last summer.
Or was it just once?
Somewhere in my brain, there is a neural pathway on default that still thinks I swim, that I play water polo, and that I need ALL THESE THINGS TO SURVIVE.
I don’t need any of it — maybe one bikini and a pair of goggles.
How ‘bout you?
Are you holding on to old work suits (even though you’ve been retired for 10 years)?
Do you still have 3 pair of prescription eyeglasses (even though you had laser eye surgery)?
Or, do you still have all the furniture from your 4-bedroom home (even though you down-sized to a 2-bedroom)?
Are you clinging to an outdated identity?
What exactly are you holding onto that no longer has a place in your current life?
And, are you ready to let go?
* * *
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