Life & Business Coaching with Christine Kell


The easiest way to kick—or create—a habit


I did a very revealing, somewhat embarrassing Facebook Live last week—

All to help YOU create new, better habits and make them ​stick.

Or, kick an old habit you’re not crazy about.

My solution is a simple one.

It may even sound familiar, but I bet you never thought of trying it yourself.

Watch the video above to find out how my embarrassing story can help you change YOUR habits.

NOTE: My internet kept dropping during the live stream, so that’s why you’ll hear me say, "damn that internet" — [eye-roll]. 🙄

Loose video transcript:

Today, I’d like to share with you a very elementary idea to

help you make a new habit stick.

Maybe you want to:

  • meditate daily

  • do the dishes after every meal so that every time you walk into the kitchen, it’s clean and fresh and clutter-free

In terms of your business, maybe you want to:

  • reach out to one potential client every day and make an offer

Whatever habit you’d like to cultivate—or kick—I have an elementary idea to help you make your habit stick.

And it starts with a story:

My story starts with my “traumatic childhood.” (I say that laughing, because I’m a strong person now!)

But I sucked my thumb until I was 8 years old!

I wasn’t crazy about it, like a pariah at school. I didn’t do it at school.

But when I would get home and watch TV...

[thumb-to-mouth], I’d suck my thumb.

I had gone to an orthodontist who’d fixed my teeth—that were gettin’ all “buck-toothed” because my thumb was constantly pressing on the back of my teeth.

And everyone was trying to get me to stop sucking my thumb—everyone being:

  • my mom,

  • my dad,

  • and the orthodontist (who didn’t want to have to fix what he’d already fixed in my teeth).

So, the orthodontist had this program for kids who sucked their thumbs.

my parents put me in this program to help kids stop sucking their thumb.

And it was so simple. And I can’t believe nothing worked before this moment.

What he did was:

He gave us this “special calendar”—[shrug] It was just a calendar. He gave us a calendar—and—

Every day that we didn’t suck our thumbs, we got a gold star!

I love me a good gold star!

So, on this “fancy” calendar, you put a gold star if you didn’t suck your thumb that day.

And I loved watching the gold stars accumulate!


So, I ended up quitting my terrible, thumb-sucking habit at the age of 8, because of this orthodontist’s program—where he gives you a calendar, and you put a gold star on there every time you don’t suck your thumb.

It worked!

So, I’ve been doing this for myself recently. Not gold stars and I don’t suck my thumb anymore, but…

Like, I have a new morning routine.

Every time I do my full new morning routing, I get to see those little check marks next to the nine things that I have in my morning routine.

And it feels amazing to see all those check marks!

So, whatever the habit is that you want to develop or cultivate, create a calendar for yourself—a simple anything of a calendar—and give yourself a gold star, whatever your gold star is.

And THAT will be a positive motivation for you to keep doing it, as you see those gold stars accumulate.

All right! Have a great week!
Thanks for watchin’.

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Want help kicking or creating better habits?

Click here to book a free, no obligation 40-minute call with me.

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