3 secrets to make $100K in your creative business
“Tumble outta bed and I stumble to the kitchen
Pour myself a cup of ambition
Yawn and stretch and try to come to life...”
Did you recognize this?
It's the song 9 to 5 by Dolly Parton. Catchiest song ever!
I loved Dolly Parton so much as a kid that I dressed up as her for Halloween—two years in a row!
Check out those fake “knockers!”
(Insider secret: They’re birdseed in socks.)
This weekend, I watched the movie 9 to 5 again—it’s Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin, and Dolly Parton, all in their 1980 glory!
I remember being in 3rd grade going to the theater to see it with my mom. I didn't get the adult themes but I do remember we did NOT like their boss because he was a “male chauvinist pig!” It’s such a fun movie! 😆
Now to my point—
Many of my friends and clients ask me how I went from a 9-to-5 job as a designer & art director to building a freelance business that supports me and my life, and what it looks like to work from home.
So, if you too are curious, I made ya something!
It’s a cool guide I created to help you get started on your own path to 6-figures.
If you’re interested in that kinda life and business, click here for THE 6-FIGURE CREATIVE: 3 simple secrets to make $100K and beyond in your creative business.
I know this isn’t for everybody, but for those of you wanting to know how I went from a corporate 9-to-5 job to freelance and coaching, I wanna give you my top 3 secrets today.
So if you’re interested in the behind-the-scenes of my business, or want to start your own remote business, click here and download your free guide to get started now.