How to get out of time-and-money thinking
photo by Insung Yoon
Experiment time!
Finish this sentence:
Other than time or money, I want more...
This is actually a really hard question for most people.
The problem being—
We’re accustomed to thinking we need more time (so we can make more money). Or that we need more money (so we can have more time).
But why?
What’s underneath our desire for more time and money?
And, what if we had all the time and money we needed?
Then what?
So, if you had all the time and money you needed, what would you want more of?
...givin’ you time to think...
Whatcha got?
Write it down.
Then ask yourself:
WHY do I crave more of [that thing that is not time or money]?
Write that answer down too.
Once you figure out what you really crave (and why), that’s when you can start making moves to get it.
Then, make those moves
What is one thing you can do today to get you a little more of [that thing that is not time or money]?
Write that down too.
Then go do it.
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When you're ready to see real results and make real moves toward your goals (which probably do include having more time and money), I can help you.
I’m Christine Kell, Life & Business Coach for creative professionals, freelancers, and entrepreneurs.
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