Life & Business Coaching with Christine Kell


Crazy busy right now? Here’s one way to get un-busy.

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Ever heard yourself say any of these fun things...?

  • I’m so busy.

  • Work right now is so busy!

  • I can’t [do that fun thing] because I’m so busy.

When we say these things to others (or ourselves) we end up feeling stressed, right?

How do they feel to you?

Do they make you feel relaxed and calm and ready to tackle all that stuff you have on your to-do list?


They make me want to just stop doing what I’m doing and go back to bed.



Why do we use that word so often?

And do you really believe you’re too busy? Or are you using it as an excuse to avoid or get out of things?

Let’s back up a sec.

Let’s assume you’re not making excuses with your “busy” — your busy is yours. No one else is around. And you are truly feeling busy. You really do have all these things to do and not enough time to do them all.

What if that was true?

You had too much to do and not enough time — You actually wrote out all the things you had to do, how much time each thing would take to complete, and found you really did not have enough time. Busy sounds like an appropriate word for that, right?

But what if...

What if you totally omitted the word “busy” from your vocabulary?


Let’s pretend you’d have to pay some guy $1,000,000 if you ever used the word again?

Or, let’s say you have electrodes hooked up to your brain and any time you even think “busy” you get zapped with electricity like a hyperactive Border Collie wearing a shock collar.

Or maybe you want to imagine it like a drinking game: YOU SAID, “BUSYYYY!” — DRINK! DRINK! DRINK!

Hmm, maybe that last example won’t work. Too much fun.


My point is, you’d have to get creative about how you explain your circumstances and everything you have going on.

I’d like to offer a few replacement thoughts on “busy” — Things you might say to yourself instead:

  • There’s a lot to do, but I’ve got this.

  • There’s always enough time to do the important things.

  • I have plenty of time.

  • I can handle everything, and no one is going to die.

    (Remember, I coach creatives, not doctors!)

    and my favorite:

  • I am a master of time.

What else might you tell yourself besides the old busy story?

And how much better is this new story going to feel?

Please know that you are capable of so much more than you know!

* * *

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