Where to start when you don't know where to start
photo by Julia Joppien
When trying to get organized and clear the clutter, many people try to go from 0 to 60 in 2.5 seconds.
They want to go through the whole house, and to do it all in one weekend.
And, they want to start with the piles of papers — I must do that right now! they’ll say!
And then... it’s hard!
So they stop. And they never finish it.
the secret to success when clearing clutter and getting organized is to...
start small!
Start with the easy stuff!
Don’t start by going through old journals!
Start with the stuff you don’t actually think needs any organizing.
Start here:
the medicine cabinet
the sock or underwear drawer
the pantry
Flex your organizing and clutter-clearing muscles first — get them moving a little, stretch them.
Get back in the game!
You don’t go back to the gym after a 3-year hiatus and expect to do a successful 200 lb. bench press, do you?!
Why do we all think we can just go straight to the attic filled with sentimental baby clothes?
Get good at the easy stuff first.
THEN, you can more easily move on to the “heavier-lifting…” or, the harder stuff:
the closet
the overflowing bookshelves
the piles of papers in your home office
the baby clothes
your prom dress
your old journals from high school
all those heirlooms from your grandmother you don’t really want but feel guilty getting rid of
Start easy.
Get good at letting go of the expired crackers in the pantry and the face moisturizer that was expensive but made your face break out.
Get good at the easy stuff
so the hard stuff will get easier.
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Want help clearing the clutter and organizing your home and mind?
I can help you in my 1:1, personal coaching program—enrolling now!
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