Your invitation to shop. Woohoo, party! 🥳 [tss-tss-tss]
photo by Denny MĂĽller
Who am I?
Encouraging you to shop?!
Have I been kidnapped and replaced by aliens?!
You’re thinking…
“Wait, I thought you were all about clearing the clutter and waiting 24 hours before buying something! Who are you, and what have you done with Christine?”
Today, I want to talk: quality vs. quantity
replace that ratty sweater with a beautiful cashmere sweater
replace that poly-blend sheet set that makes you sweat at night with a 100% cotton or linen set
replace those faded, torn jeans (it’s not 1987 anymore, Joe Elliot!) with a fierce pair of bun-hugging jeans from your favorite designer
Let’s go SHOPPING!!!!
Today, I want to encourage you to replace something of lesser quality with something of higher quality.
The KEY WORD being:
One-in / One-out.
Actually for this exercise, I encourage you to follow a one-in / TWO-out rule: For everyone one thing you buy, you must donate two similar items to charity.
We are working to clear the clutter, aren’t we?
So let’s clear it!
Replace your lesser quality items with ONE higher quality item.
One. I said, one.
I’m not talking about a crazy-town shopping spree at the outlet mall.
Find a quality, sustainable brand you love (or think you’ll love) and buy ONE thing that will up-level your home, your wardrobe, even your car!
(We recently replaced the rattling magnetic phone holder in the car for a better quality one.)
Today, I want to encourage you to replace something of lesser quality with something of higher quality.
When we get used to living with higher quality items, our need to replace them is less frequent so they actually save us money in the long run.
Also, you’re more likely to cherish these items and treat them well, because they are better quality, more expensive, “fancier.”
For instance, growing up, we had a TON, like probably 60 bath towels in the hall linen closet.
(I’m thinking of a time when my older brothers had already moved out so it was just 3 of us in the house.)
All these towels were pretty cheap, JCPenney-type towels and hand-me-downs from my grandparents (also probably JCP).
But when I started learning about minimalist and the importance of buying quality over quantity, things started to shift for me (in my home and my mind).
Back to the bath towels example:
When I was single, I had 10-12 decent-quality (most of them were decent-quality) bath towels from places like Bed, Bath & Beyond and Linens 'N Things.
Why did I have so many?
I only ever really used the same 3 before doing laundry.
I remember reading in an organizing book about 10 years ago that you only really need 2 sets of towels per person in a house (plus+ one set of towels for the amount of guests your home allowed).
It was in that moment that I “decluttered” my old towels.
Then, I started thinking… Hmm, if I only have 3 towels, I want them to be really nice, high quality towels.
So I found great organic and bamboo towels at places like Parachute and The Citizenry.
Now, there are 2 of us in the house and we own 6 bath towels.
To be honest, we could probably do with 4.
Although, a quick side note: Last week, I accidentally dropped my husband’s bath towel in the toilet—I’m pretty sure he was happy we had that extra clean towel ready for him. :)
Surround yourself with quality
It’s the difference between buying five (5) Express or Forever 21 shirts that are going to stretch out and fade after a few months of wearing vs. buying something of higher quality with a sustainable fashion brand, that will last longer.
And which comes first—the chicken or the egg...?
Does it last longer, because it was more expensive and you take better care of it? Or does it last longer because it’s better quality and just lasts longer?
What is one thing you want to up-level in your home or wardrobe?
And what two (2) similar pieces will you donate to make room for this new quality item?
* * *
Want individual help clearing the clutter in your home, to-do list, and mind?
“Get Organized for Good”—my 1:1 coaching program—is enrolling now for February!
Is clutter coaching right for you? Find out—
Click here to book a free, no obligation 40-minute call with me.
This is your chance to ask me anything and find out how I can help you get organized and design a home & life you love.