Are you a brave ostrich?
photo by Charl van Rooy
Are you a brave ostrich, or do you bury your head in the sand?
Do you ignore things?
Look the other way?
Bury your head in the sand when you see something you KNOW needs to be dealt with?
Or when things get hard?
The longer you wait to deal with something, the worse that thing is going to get.
You know that.
I know you know that.
So why do we ignore things?
Because we think that dealing with [that thing] will be too hard.
Or that it will take too long.
Or that we won’t be able to do it—or, do it right.
Or that it will be “uncomfortable” in some way.
What “things” am I talking about here?
I’m talking about the small (and the big) things:
making your bed each morning instead of leaving a tangle of blankets
doing the dishes after every meal instead of waking up to an over-flowing stinky sink
seeing that storm cloud of hair in the corner of the bathroom floor and picking it up instead of ignoring it
asking your neighbor to turn down their music after 10:00pm instead of suffering through insomnia
telling a friend or family member that their racist jokes are not okay with you
Let’s face things instead of ignoring them.
What would change in your life if you stopped ignoring things?
All these things that you’ve been ignoring take up space in your brain—valuable space you need to get the real things of life done and give you some relaxed brain space.
Leaving things undone robs you of peace and calm.
I know you don’t want to take that extra 60 seconds to make your bed, or spend 5-10 minutes doing the dishes, or have that uncomfortable conversation with your neighbor or Uncle Sal. But once you do these things, you will feel like a boss.
You will gain the confidence that you can handle all the things of life.
Taking the time to face the things of life is the key to success.
It’s the key to having your own back, to knowing that you are capable of... A LOT.
And it will lead to crazy amounts of self-confidence.
These big and small actions add up. They send a message to your brain that you are taking care of business—and yourself!
What have you been ignoring?
You know what I’m talking about.
Next time you see something...
Say (or do) something.
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