How to accelerate your decluttering process
photo by @Nosiuol
If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile (or following me on social media), you’re likely getting pretty good at making decisions about what to keep and what to let go of.
So, you’ve collected bags and bags of things you no longer want in your life, but then you aren’t sure how to get them out of your house.
You have thoughts like—
“I no longer want this, but I spent so much money on it. I can’t just donate it. I should sell it, right?”
I know you have these thoughts, because I’ve had them too.
To donate or sell?
That is the question
Deciding to donate instead of sell your things will significantly accelerate your decluttering process.
I’m a big proponent of donating your decluttered items.
It’s the fastest, most efficient way to declutter and get unnecessary stuff out of your house fast.
But many of my clients and friends say it’s important to them to sell things.
To that I say, Great, if it’s important to you, do it.
If you want to sell things...
sell them.
Do it.
Actually, sell them.
Don’t let them sit in a box in your spare room for months or in a corner of the garage for years.
Have a yard sale. Now. This weekend.
Or spend the time photographing your items and putting them online.
Important note: set a time limit on this
Decide on a “donate by…” date so that you don’t bring all those things back into your home if they don’t sell at the yard sale.
Or when you keep “relisting” that thing on eBay week after week.
Stop it.
Don’t let those things stay in your home forever. Don’t let them not selling become another excuse for keeping clutter in your home.
Stuff you don’t love needs to leave your home.
Stuff you don’t need (or wear or use) needs to leave your home.
Stuff you that doesn’t support the life you want to create needs to leave your home.
As things leave your home, your home will function better.
That is how you create more calm and peace in your life.
And isn’t that why you wanted to declutter in the first create more peace and calm.
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