3 tips for letting go of nostalgic items
photo by Dexter Fernandes
It all started 10 years ago, when I decided to shred all my old letters and cards (love letters from old boyfriends, letters from my parents and brothers, cards from my grandparents), report cards from grade school, and college papers.
A few years later, I cleaned out my deceased grandfather’s apartment in 48 hours, keeping only what I could pack in a USPS Priority Mail medium flat-rate box.
Since conquering my own emotional clutter, I’ve become a sentimental clutter expert helping others clear their own emotional, nostalgic clutter to create more happiness, space, and simplicity in their lives too.
Like Sharon, who’d been living in the past, re-reading her deceased mother’s old diaries. After coaching together, she was able to release them and completely transform her life—she’s now more at peace and happy in her every day life.
I’ll re-post my interview with Sharon here later this week.
And now...
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3 tips for letting go of nostalgic items
Keep the best, toss the rest.
Choose a few pieces from an overgrown collection to display. I had one client who made art out of his stamp collection and another who sewed beads from her bridal gown onto another dress.
Digitize your memories.
Save papers you just can’t bear to part with (e.g., your master’s thesis or old love letters) on your hard drive or a file-sharing service like Dropbox. Take a picture of large items, like your grandmother’s sideboard (which, be honest, you are not going to use), to satisfy your sentimental side.
Make this your new mantra:
I love this quote: “The barn’s burnt down—now I can see the moon.” Remind yourself that you’re not casting memories and heirlooms aside—you’re creating breathing room in your current life, freeing yourself of extra weight and recognizing that what’s most important is happening right now—not in a box in your attic.
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The above is from my “Ask the Expert” interview for Good Housekeeping magazine’s March 2020 edition (p.70), interviewed by Lauren Piro
So, it’s official—
I’m an expert 😉
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Are you a Creative who wants a simpler life but can’t seem to let go of nostalgic items?
I can help you with that. And we’ll also organize your home, office, time, and mind.
When you enroll in Get Organized for Good, my personal 1-to-1 coaching program, you will learn the tools and strategies to conquer your clutter and get organized for good.
You’ll be more focused, less stressed, and find more peace and calm in your days.
I can help you become an organized person
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