Are you suffering from Eilkrankheit? (gesundheit...?)
photo by Andy Beales
No need to adjust your radio dial (or the language preferences on your internet browser).
It’s me, it’s me... it’s Christine! :D
Today, I’d like to introduce you to…
[pronounced: aisle-kon-kite]
Those Germans always have the most spot-on, yet unpronounceable, words for every occasion.
This one literally means “hurry sickness.”
You may know it as:
melancholy Sunday
those recurring dreams you have where all your teeth fall out just minutes before you have to deliver an oral book report in front of your 4th grade classroom—except it’s not your 4th grade classroom, it’s the hotel room from The Shining
It’s the Fatigue, frustration, or apathy resulting from prolonged stress, overwork, or intense activity.
Basically, it’s the negative effects on a person’s health, as a result of our fast-paced modern lifestyle.
You know the modern lifestyle I’m talking about — with all its pings/bings, multi-tasking, full appointment calendars, and tight deadlines.
It’s the feeling you get that life is racing by.
Time pressure has just become a way of life for most of us.
We feel overwhelmed and disorganized and like we can’t get everything done.
Running two businesses from my home office, I used to feel this way A LOT.
I was “so busy” with “too much to do” until I discovered…
Calendaring my time.
Now, I get it all done... more done, actually, than ever before —
and I do it all in 35 hours-per-week.
My days are now über-productive!
(You like the way I sprinkled that extra German word in there...? über.) ;)
Basically, very basically, calendaring is putting everything you have to do in your calendar. And then following that calendar exactly.
I mean, EXACTLY.
Unfortunately, as we’ve all tried various time management tools like this in the past, we know they don’t always work.
You know why they don’t work?
Because it’s not about learning the ultimate time management tool or about learning exactly how and what to put in your calendar.
It’s about following through on your plans.
And that can be hard.
So many emergencies come up, right?
That’s where coaching comes in—
I teach you a 5-part time management system that will organize your to-do list, streamline your work, and help you get it all done (without anything falling through the cracks or missing deadlines).
AND, more importantly...
I will teach you the mental tools to conquer your inner brain chaos while you’re implementing said 5-part time management system.
It’s the inner brain chaos and rebellion that hold us back from getting it all done and achieving our dreams.
Hence, the need for coaching.
So we need both: The time management system AND the mind management tools for this to work.
What have you tried in the past...?
Time management books? Courses? One-day workshops?
How long did the new system work for you...?
A day? A week?
Did you even try to implement that thing you learned?
This calendaring system and coaching will blow your mind!
You’ll get more done than you ever thought possible.
I’d love to teach you the whole system and see your life get easier!
Ha, I didn’t mean for this to turn into a big sales pitch about how awesome my time management system is, but it totally is awesome.
* * *
Are you a Creative who needs help clearing the clutter in your home, office, or mind?
When you enroll in Get Organized for Good, my personal 1-to-1 coaching program, you will learn the tools and strategies to conquer your clutter and get organized for good.
You’ll be more focused, less stressed, and find more peace and calm in your days.
I can help you become an organized person
To learn more, click here to grab a spot on my calendar—
Your FREE “Clear the Clutter” Strategy Session
This is a chance for you ask me anything and learn how I can help you get organized, get it all done, and live a happier life.