Is your inner scaredy-cat keeping you safe or holding you back?
photo by Mikhail Vasilyev
“Those who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed.”
—Lloyd Jones, New Zealand author
What do you think of when you read the quote above?
Is there something in your life you’ve been holding back on trying because you’re afraid to fail?
Whether it’s...
a fitness goal to run a half-marathon or do yoga 3x/week,
a weight goal to lose 10 or even 100 pounds,
a business goal to get 3 new clients by April,
a money goal to get a 10% raise or make $20K in your side hustle, or
a personal goal to get your home organized and throw weekly dinner parties…
What’s the worst thing about trying and failing?
Not trying is essentially just failing ahead of time.
You’ll never get there if you don’t try at all, right?
Whether you try and fail or don’t try at all — you fail.
That’s failing ahead of time.
So, what if you tried and DIDN’T fail?
Imagine that!
How would it change your life?
Or what if you did fail? What could you learn from that to do better next time?
How would even just TRYING to do that thing change your life?
The attempting of it would bring you so much more self-confidence.
And then, if you actually succeeded...?
POW! Mind-blown!
Don’t you want to blow your own mind?
Stop hiding.
Go on — Give that thing you want a try!
It’s so much better than succeeding at nothing.
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