Life & Business Coaching with Christine Kell


What to do with that jumble of shoes by the front door

photo by Alev Takil

photo by Alev Takil


You know the shoes I’m talking about—

  • the ones you’re always tripping over when you get home

  • the ones you’re sure your partner leaves there just to drive you insane

  • the ones that you try to ignore but really just... make your heart hurt a little.

The solution is simple:

Plan for them

  • Accept it.

  • “You can’t fight mother nature.”

  • “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”

If you or your partner kicks off their shoes the minute they get home, expect it.

And plan accordingly.

DECIDE that that is the best place to store your shoes.

I mean, technically you’re already storing them there anyway, so you might as well make that their official home. 😁

Set up some shoe shelves.

I did a quick search on Wayfair (no affiliation) and found these:


Maybe you’ll decide that you don’t even need to buy a cabinet or anything, but that you’ll simply start to line them up neatly against the wall by the door.

Or maybe you’ll get a mud rack and place them on that.

Maybe it’s even just a basket by the door (although that could get tricky mixing sneakers and heels).

The beauty is: You get to decide.

Essential for the shoe-free home

Personally, we’re one of those “annoying” shoe-free homes, so...

We have an entire cabinet right behind the front door dedicated to shoes!

  • Problem.

  • Solved. 😉


How can you stop fighting what is and create a plan to make it work for you?

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