Enough with the new year's resolutions, already!
photo by Heather Ford
My husband and I quit sugar 4-1/2 years ago.
I had just graduated as a Master-certified Health Coach — and one of my classmates had told me about a video that would inspire me to eat even healthier, to quit my sugar addiction.
I loved sugar!
I wanted to quit. I knew it was responsible for my mood swings and afternoon brain fog.
So I asked my husband if he’d be open to watching it with me.
I thought maaaaaaybe we’d “get inspired” to “try” this whole “quitting sugar thing” someday.
The video ended.
We both agreed it was a good idea, “We should really quit sugar.”
I was thinking, “…someday.” “We should really quit sugar, someday.”
But before I knew it, my husband was up in our pantry reading nutrition facts & ingredients labels and throwing all our sugar things away.
Oh, we’re really doing this.
Which brings me to this morning—
First, I’ll tell you that last week, I unplugged for 3 glorious days — No email. No Facebook. No Instagram. And no guilt.
And I didn’t schedule any clients this week, so early this morning I was thinking that I’d get back into working, really working on Thursday (January 2nd).
Yes! The new year — I’d start the new year off strong.
Then it occurred to me that I help people stop procrastinating.
And there I was: procrastinating.
Why NOT start today?
So here I am, writing you this thing here.
And what’s with new year’s resolutions anyway?
We can choose to change our lives for the better ANY DAY of the year.
My husband and I quit sugar in August.
What do you think would have happened if we had “waited” for January 1st to roll around?
I’d still be hopped up on peanut M&Ms every afternoon with 15 extra pounds on me — that’s what!
You can choose to change your life, change your habits, do good things for yourself ANY DAY of the year.
You can choose to start today.
You can choose to choose to start every day.
What if every day were an opportunity to start fresh?
to be a healthy eater
to be an organized person
to be a person who is always on-time
to be a person who does not procrastinate & gets things done
What if every single day were an opportunity to start again, to CHOOSE who you want to be?
Every January, my gym gets totally overcrowded, while some “resolution person” takes my favorite locker. But by early February, people stop, they lose site of their resolutions and go back to their over-working, under-exercising lives. And I get my locker back. ;)
But what if we reset our resolutions (or whatever we want to call them) every day? Or every week?
What if every Monday were an opportunity to start over, to stop procrastinating on that project, to lose that next 5 pounds, or to [insert that big thing YOU want to do]?
Every Monday, I create my schedule for the week ahead —
It’s an opportunity for me to decide what my priorities are, what I want to concentrate on, and most importantly, who I want to become.
What’s your New Year’s resolution?
And, why not start today?
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