Need a better storage system...? Get this instead!
photo by Yan Ots
You’re stressed.
You can never find anything.
There are sometimes… ok, often… piles of stuff on your floor.
You might have too much stuff.
You want to get organized, so you think:
Hey, I should buy a new storage system!
I need a bigger bookshelf! I could line the hallway with bookshelves!
If I had a bigger house...!
The answer is NOT to buy a new storage system, a bigger bookshelf, or a bigger house.
The answer is simple.
To get organized, you need to learn one thing:
how to make decisions
Faster, more powerful decisions
clutter is the result of an inability to make decisions
Clutter is NOT the result of your not having the perfect storage system.
Learn to make decisions
Your entire life—the state of your home, your relationships, your career, even how much money you have in the bank—is all the result of the decisions you make every day.
The inability to make decisions is what keeps people stuck, unhappy, and surrounded by clutter.
For instance, if you were to come to me needing help to organize your cluttered home, we’d discover that…
This clutter and lack of organization is the result of decisions you NEED to make or decisions you ARE avoiding.
You are creating your life every moment with each decision you make (or don’t make).
Consciously and unconsciously—this is happening all day long.
And when you are stuck in indecision...THAT is a decision too.
One of the things we do in my clutter coaching program is to look at your life and re-make every decision.
We take a close look at your life.
We look at all your previous decisions and what they have created for you.
Then we re-decide everything!
We look at all the things that you have, all the things that you want, and then re-decide whether you want to continue to do or have them.
Too much clutter in your home or life?
We often feel like we’re stuck with the decisions (or the stuff) that we’ve made (or accumulated), but you get to re-decide every day.
Do you still want this?
Does this thing still serve you? Is it outdated?
Will this help you become the next best version of yourself?
You don’t have to feel trapped.
You can learn to make conscious choices to create a life on-purpose.
Learning that skill is what will get you unstuck.
You have all the power within you to re-commit and change the life you’re living now.
DECISIONS ARE WHERE all your power comes from.
So, if you have a cluttered home or life, you are putting off making decisions…. and you are denying your own individual power.
When you tell me that your boss is too demanding or that your husband or wife won’t ‘let you’ get rid of some item in your home, you are denying your ability to make decisions for yourself.
And THAT denial will always keep you from creating the home… life… business… money… relationship you want.
This leaves you powerless and feeling like life is happening TO you.
We want to bring back your choice.
You make decisions every day without realizing it:
You decide to get up every morning.
You decide to brush your teeth.
You decide to stop at Starbucks every morning for a $5 latte.
You decide to work late.
And you decide to keep your grandmother’s clock, her leather jacket, or that quilt she made.
These decisions may feel not like decisions at all, like something you have no control over.
They may feel like something you ‘have to’ do.
Like you have no choice.
But these are just decisions that you decided to make a long time ago and now they are just automatic.
You get to decide if these are decisions you like and want to continue with.
So, if you don’t have the home or the work-life balance you want, it’s probably because you’re not making decisions consciously or purposefully.
This is where life coaching comes in.
I help you break down the decisions you’re making, the ones you want to be making and the ones you don’t.
Then, we commit to the ones you want to be making, so you can create a life and a home from a place of purpose and power.
Personal power comes when you let go of trying to control others and simply make decisions that are best for you, that serve the life you want to create.
Ready to explore how the decisions you’ve made have created your current reality?
Book a free strategy session with me to see how clutter coaching can help you.
Conquer your Clutter for good
Click here to book that free, no obligation 40-minute session.
This is your chance to ask me anything and find out how I can help you clear the clutter, get organized, and design a home & life you love.