Life & Business Coaching with Christine Kell


Anger, grief, and a better future


I’ve had a heck of a time concentrating these past few weeks.

I’ve been struggling with focusing on normal work, life, business, my home—full disclosure: my desk is a wreck right now!

And, it turns out most of my clients and friends are struggling too.

With all the social injustice happening in the world right now, our inability to concentrate makes sense.

  • We’re filled with grief.

  • We’re filled with anger.

  • We don’t know what to do to make a difference in the world.

And, as if my brain weren’t already playing the videos of the George Floyd and Ahmaud Arbery murders on a loop in my head…

As I write this right now, two police helicopters hover over our apartment building for the 11th day in a row.

I’m grateful that the protests seem to be making a difference and there is hope for a better world

But I am still filled with anger, sadness, utter grief and frankly, don’t even know what to say here.

My usual topics of decluttering, organizing, and managing your time seem so trivial right now, so for now...

Maybe it’s okay that I don’t know what to say.

Let’s be compassionate and loving with ourselves and give ourselves permission to:

  • Be okay with being where we are right now.

  • Be okay with being angry.

  • Be okay with being filled with grief.

That being said, we can still keep moving.

We can use our grief and our anger to fuel our resolve to do something good in the world.

What are the values that matter to you most?

How can you use your power, your influence, or your resources to show up and fight for what you believe in?

How can you create a better world?

You don’t have to be out there protesting (but if you want to, please read this first).

There are many ways to bring about change—

You might choose to:

Contribute in whatever ways you can or want to.

Let’s make a better future.

I’m hopeful that we can create a more just world.
