How and why you want to eat the frog
photo by Jack Hamilton
“Wait...What?!! No! Why me?” The frog asks.
“No, silly — It’s just an expression. Sorry I scared you!” I assure the frog.
. . .
A big part of my time management system is
the “eat the frog” method.
The frog is:
that big project you know needs to get done this week
that “thing” you avoid and push back doing ‘til the end of the day, then ’til tomorrow, and the next day, etc.
that insurmountable monster you procrastinate on because you think it’s going to be horrible, too hard, too unsavory (pun intended) to handle
The frog is that thing that usually takes you all day (because you’re fielding interruptions / distractions / meetings) but if you give it a little uninterrupted focus time first thing in your day, it will take 2 hours instead of the usual 8... 9... or infinite number it usually takes.
All it needs is a little focus time.
When you “eat the frog” first thing in the morning, you’re golden.
I mean, if you have to eat a frog, don’t you want to get it over with first thing?!
Start each day with a 2-hour block of focus time.
This is an uninterrupted block of time:
all phone notifications off,
no checking IG, FB, or email, and
you’ve created healthy boundaries around it — no co-worker, partner or kid interruptions allowed. Everyone knows this is your focus time — they know not to interrupt, and they know when you will be available again.
You might even decide to create an automated “out of office” email response for this time —
“Thank you for your email. I’m eating a frog right now. I will respond to your email when I am finished at 11:30am.”
This focus time is to work on something you absolutely must get done to move you toward your goals (or the goals of your clients or boss).
Example frogs:
MAYBE your frog is exercise — mine often is. If I don’t exercise first thing in the morning, it’s probably not going to happen.
Another frog of mine is writing — even though I love writing this, it’s a frog… I need to be at my best, most alert to write.
And when you get it done, first thing in the day… you’ll feel accomplished and AWESOME all day long.
I wouldn’t say you can slack the rest of the day, but you won’t have that impending doom of “Ugh, I still have to do [that thing] later” feeling.
There will be nothing big hanging over your head.
You’ll feel lighter, accomplished, and confident all day.
And over time:
you will get SO MUCH more done,
you’ll be an overall better performer, and
(like a recent Art Director client I coached) you might finally get that promotion you’ve been wanting so hard!
What’s an example of a frog in your life?
Go give it a try.
Set a 2-hour timer and eat your first frog.
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