How clothing can instantly transform your mood
photo by Melody Jacob
EVERY DAY we have the power to choose exactly how we will feel.
With the clothing we decide to put on.
Clothing can instantly transform your mood.
Think about it—
How do you feel when you wear your pajamas, sweats, or yoga pants all day?
How do you feel when you wear those magical butt-flattering jeans and a fitted T-?
How ‘bout when you wear a well-fitted suit or a décolletage-flattering dress?
So, how do you want to feel?
Confident, powerful, capable, creative?
Or dorky, frumpy, invisible, outdated?
Our clothing choices should support the life we want to create.
Answer these 3 questions:
1- What do you want to say about yourself to the world?
2- which clothes and styles will help you feel the way you want to feel?
Think of your wardrobe right now….
What is your favorite outfit that makes you feel like a million bucks?
What is it about that outfit that makes you feel that million-dollar way?
Wear those clothes. Every day.
3- Which clothes in your closet do NOT help you feel the way you want to feel?
Find those and donate them immediately.
I’d like to challenge you to go to your closet RIGHT NOW—
Find at least two (2) things that make you feel “less than excellent” and put them in a bag for the donation center.
As for me...
I want to express my fun and confident side.
You probably know already that I love patterns and bright colors — my favorite outfit is plaid pants with a striped or patterned shirt.
(Yes, it will hypnotize you. That is my plan!)
What statement do you want to make about yourself to the world?
Figure that out — and go make that statement.
* * *
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