How many coffee mugs do you need? And why you should care!
Yes yes, I drink my coffee with a straw — I don’t want super-yellow teeth in my old age. Sheesh. 😋
How many coffee mugs do you need?
The answer is the answer to another question:
How many people live in and drink coffee in your home everyday?
For us, it’s 2.
Two of us = Two coffee mugs.
It’s all we need.
You may think you need more than one mug per person.
To that, I ask, Why?
Because you don’t do dishes every day?
Because you put things in the dishwasher and only run it every few days?
Because one mug per person sounds like crazy-talk?
Here’s the truth:
The more mugs you have, the more likely you will be to let them sit around dirty in the sink.
The more you have lying around dirty in the sink, the more clutter you have.
The more clutter you have, the more stress, overwhelm, and out-of-control you will feel.
If you only have one mug (one option for coffee in the mornings), you are more likely to wash that mug every day so it’s ready for the next day.
Then, you will feel less stress, overwhelm, and have more control over your day.
You get me?
I can hear you arguing, “Well… what about guests? What if I have guests or friends over?”
I hear you.
Answer these questions for yourself:
How often do you have guests over?
How many guests do you typically have at one time?
Is there an option to borrow mugs from a nearby friend or neighbor?
Personally, we have 4 mugs for tea.
Those mugs double as coffee mugs for guests when we need them. But honestly, we never have more than 2-3 people over at one time. We’re not big party-throwing people, so that works for our needs.
How ‘bout you?
What do you ACTUALLY need?
If you don’t entertain much, but when you do, it’s big…
What if you kept X-amount of mugs or glasses in a cupboard under the counter for guests?
That’s what my grandparents did!
They had a whole separate area for guest dishes in a lower cupboard.
Then, they lived their day-to-day lives with only what the two of them used every day.
Consider it.
How cool would it be to actually use all the dishes in your cupboard!
One more thing I’d like you consider:
Think of that poor, lonely “Best Boss” mug waiting its turn in the back of your cupboard. Every time you open the cupboard door, it thinks, “Will she pick me this time? Pick me! Pick me! I’m back here!” Then think how sad it must feel when you close the cupboard without picking it again. 😔
Donate that unpicked glass or mug to a charity store so it has a chance of a new exciting life of adventure! 😃
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