3 ways to feng shui your way to a fantastic love life
Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes
Whether you’re looking for love, rekindling a current love, or learning to love yourself, feng shui can give you a boost toward your goal.
Let’s start with the basics
What is feng shui?
Feng shui [pron. fun-shwee] is an ancient Chinese system of arranging your environment to enhance your life—love, health, money, career, creativity—all the good stuff!
Changing a tiny thing in your home or office can lead to big changes in your life.
If you’re stuck in a rut or not seeing results in certain areas of your life, you can improve them by using feng shui.
I've seen miraculous transformations in the lives of my friends, my clients, and myself—after making simple adjustments, such as moving a bed just a few inches in the right direction!
How Feng Shui Improved My Life
Before I explain how you can attract the love of your life, or strengthen the love you have, I want to share a quick story about my life in my little Brooklyn apartment.
It's 375 square feet. A one-bedroom. The bedroom measures 9 x 10 feet. Tiny.
Because of the small size of the room, I had a full-sized bed for the first 10 years I lived here.
But I’m a tall lady and always dreamed of the day I would have room for a queen-sized bed. A queen-sized bed...?! That would mean sleeping with my feet ON the bed instead of dangling off the end!
I’d been mostly single those first 10 years living in this apartment and quite often imagined myself “dying alone” (with the exception of the 18 circling cats I was bound to acquire).
But I also had bouts of hope where I would allow myself Cinderella dreams. I would meet a man who would sweep me off my feet and out of my tiny apartment—giving me an excuse (and a place) for that queen-sized bed I always dreamed of.
Then one day, I took a different approach
I decided to stop waiting and buy the damn bed for myself!
When my friends balked at the idea of fitting a queen-sized bed in my itty-bitty 9 x 10 foot bedroom, I would say:
“If you build it, he will come!”
And so he did.
I bought that big, beautiful queen-sized bed, and it filled that tiny bedroom.
And guess what?
Within six months, I met the sweetest, smartest, sexiest, kindest man...once I made room for him in my life—and in my bed!
(I’m gonna stop there—my mom reads this stuff.)
How does this story relate to feng shui?
This is feng shui in action.
Feng shui is not just about “hanging crystals and mirrors.”
Feng shui is in your everyday actions and intentions.
Now, regarding your bed:
Consider if you are inviting the love you want into your life:
Do you live like a college student and still have a twin bed?
Do you have a full-sized bed with one side pushed up against a wall? You know, where the poor bastard has to either hop over you or slink out the bottom.
Do you have that big, beautiful queen-sized bed, but it’s beneath a mountain of throw pillows, laundry, or unpaid bills?
None of the above bed scenarios scream, “Universe! Send me a partner!”
If you’re ready to find love—or want to increase and strengthen the love you already have—do this now!
Buy the bed of your dreams.
Keep it clutter-free.
Get the best sleep of your life.
And watch the greatest man or woman walk into your life!
The bed is just one aspect of your home that you can improve with feng shui.
Here are 3 more ways you can increase your love energy
1. Make room for love
Yes, make physical room for love. If you live in an overstuffed apartment, there is no room for anything else to come into your life.
As in the example from my own life, live as if you already have everything you want.
Think about equality
Pull that bed away from the wall and invite that love to join you. Center that headboard on the wall. Buy two matching nightstands and bedside lamps, and BAM–you’ve got yourselves a stronger relationship.
One of my clients had a bed with 8 feet between her side of the bed and the wall, while her boyfriend of three years had only 2 feet between the bed and the wall on his side.
After following my suggestion to center the bed, her boyfriend felt more appreciated and wanted. He, in turn, became more loving and giving with her.
Their relationship strengthened—with such a small feng shui adjustment.
2. Buy fresh flowers
So simple and effective. Buy fresh flowers. Every week. Make it a habit. Commit to it. This is an inexpensive way to awaken your environment.
In feng shui, this is called a ch'i enhancement. You are awakening any stagnant energy in your environment (and thus awakening the stagnant energy in your love life).
For love energy, think warm colors: flowers in pinks, reds, oranges, purples. Truly, any color that makes you feel happy when you look at it will increase your personal ch’i—your life force!
Having these fresh, living flowers in your environment will spark something in you as well—something attractive. You will become a more positive person and attract a more positive, more worthy person to you. No more jerks or high-maintenance types coming your way!
Conversely (and very important), throw out or compost flowers as soon as they die. That dead energy could transfer to you and keep you down.
3. Reconsider your artwork
Are you a single woman with images of single ladies all over your apartment?
Stop it!
Perhaps you have posters like the 19th-century painting Flaming June. You know the painting—it’s found above the bed of many romantic college girls in the United States. While it’s a gorgeous painting, hanging this in your home could be perpetuating your singlehood.
For romantics, hanging something more like Klimt’s The Kiss will help you attract loving couplehood into your life.
And if you love your feminist icons (I know I do!), make sure they’re placed in the proper area of your home—otherwise, they will hinder your chances for an equal partnership. I can help you find the best place for these images.
A story of a less-than-excellent placement of artwork
While assessing the home of one of my single male clients, I noticed a very colorful painting of two dogs fighting (teeth out, growling, ready to fight), and it was located in the feng shui relationship area of his home.
Seeing this artwork, I asked if most of his romantic relationships involved conflict or fighting.
The answer: Yes.
He has not had a happy, conflict-free love in more than 15 years. (He's currently relocating that painting.)
Consider your artwork and define what each piece represents to you.
If you want to attract and strengthen love, it's best to find images that symbolize love for you.
Options to consider:
a bottle of wine with two glasses
animal prints (roar... passion, baby!)
images of happy couples
pairs of anything (lovebirds, people, flowers, etc.)
Artwork in pairs represent partnership.
In my bedroom, I have a painting of two flowers with their stems intertwined. That seems to accurately represent the love relationship I manifested in my life.
I know this all seems very simple, and it is.
This is feng shui. So simple.
Stop waiting for life to happen to you. Use feng shui to help you unfold the possibilities in your life.
Build the life you want, and everything else will follow.
If you build it, he (or she) will come.
Only you have the power to set your intention and attract great love to you.
Exercise that power now!
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Click here to book a free, no obligation call with me. We’ll discuss how feng shui can help you get unstuck and achieve your goals...in all areas of your life.