As seen in Good Housekeeping, Refinery 29, The Street, and The Nest

Life & Business Coaching with Christine Kell


Come back down, video

Perhaps this song by Greg Laswell has nothing to do with organizing, but I love it!  And the video’s stop-motion animation is cool!  

I suppose it could motivate me to organize.  (There is that bit in the beginning where the objects in the house seem to be putting themselves away – Don’t you wish the things in your house would do that?!)  

So yeah… sure… it has everything to do with organizing.  Yep!  Totally relevant!  Think of the song as an organizing intervention to yourself.  Yes!

But seriously, for me… listening to the lyrics, I just had an epiphany.  I realized that I’m “wallowing” in my new age.  I just had a milestone birthday and I’ve been mildly depressed for 2 months over a silly number.  And yes, it’s “getting pathetic” and “unbecoming” – I mean, I look amazing [brag-brag] so what am I worried about?!!

Now that I’ve bared my soul… How about you?  Comment below and let me know what this song makes you think of?


To view the video without superimposed lyrics, go directly to Greg’s website: