Gaining Space

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3 reasons it’s time you got good at making quick decisions

I ran into an old friend on the street this week — that’s always a fun surprise in New York City!

He was telling me how he’s currently unemployed and recently applied for what he described as an “awesome” job, a step-up from what he had been doing. So, he applied.

They called him.
He went in for an interview.
It went well.
A few days after the interview, they offered him this awesome job.

And you know what he did…?

His mind freaked out and told him he wasn’t sure if he wanted said-awesome job.
He told them he need to “take a few days to think it over.”

When he called them back 3 days later to give them his “yes,” it was too late. They had already offered that awesome job to someone else.

He took too damn long to decide.

His inability to make a quick decision cost him this opportunity.

His story illustrates one reason why it’s important to learn how to make quick decisions.


So important!

1) Making decisions increases your action and opportunities.

So many of us are not taking enough action towards the things that we want.

We say we are confused.
We say we don’t know what’s best.
We say we don’t know how.

When we’re stuck in indecision, we go back and forth over what to do and how to move forward towards our goals.

When we stay stuck in indecision, we’re putting our dreams on-hold.

When we make a decision, we can start taking action towards that decision.
And action leads to opportunities.
And you can always change your mind later.

2) Making decisions saves time.

So many of us sit and think and stew and think some more and turn possible outcomes around and around and around in our minds.

We procrastinate on making decisions when really it only takes a moment to make a decision.

Think about it:

Decisions are always made in an instant.

It’s the thinking and the discussing with everyone and ourselves that makes it seem like it took weeks to make that decision:

Should I take that job?
Should I ask her to marry me?
Should I have the chicken or the steak?

Nope, we decide in one second.

It was just weeks of changing our mind, going back and forth, making the decision, and unmaking the decision.

Don’t look back. Learn to decide and move on and you’ll save lots of time and mental space to do other things.

3) Making decisions increases our personal growth and confidence.

It forces us to evolve and grow. It increases our confidence.

The best way to increase confidence is by taking action.

When we take action, we learn what works and what doesn’t.

If you’re constantly in your head wondering what the best course of action is, you’re not testing it out in the world.

As soon as we make a decision and lose all our “I don’t know what to do” thoughts, our insecurity goes away.

Think about how you feel when you're confused, doubtful, ruminating… then think about how you feel when you’re decisive, moving forward, and acting.

Confidence, baby!

“But how do I learn to make quick decisions?”

Here are some questions to consider:

  • What if failure or making the “wrong” choice was no big deal?

  • What if you're just either winning or learning?

  • What if both choices would make you wildly happy? Which one would you do?

And here’s the key:

Like your reasons for choosing it.

Don’t choose something or not choose something out of fear.

Like your reasons and you can’t go wrong.

Now tell me—

How are you at making decisions…?
Are you a quick-thinking, go-for-it, don’t-look back kind of person?
Or, do you take “forever” to decide things? If so, why do you think that is?

* * *

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