Gaining Space

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Willing vs. Wanting

photo by Zach Lucero

I worked both Saturday and Sunday this past weekend because I’m creating something new.

It’s an online version of my 1:1 coaching program—something I’ve been adding to my work with current clients.

I also plan to make it available to future clients who may not be in a position to afford my 1:1 coaching packages.

So, my weekend of work—

  • It was hard.

  • It was tiring.

  • It was uncomfortable (recording videos—oh gosh, the fumbles, the re-takes, the glare of light in my eyes).

  • And, at times, I wanted to quit.

  • I wanted to just relax and hang out with my husband.

But when it was over Sunday afternoon, I felt so gratified and happy that I am willing to have some uncomfortable weekends.

And it got me thinking about the difference between…

willing vs. wanting

What do you want in life?

Your desires, your goals, the things you want in life, are very important.

A lot of us brush them aside, maybe because we don’t think they’re possible or we don’t want to put in the work to make them happen.

Things like:

  • finishing that creative project

  • writing that book

  • having a career that is meaningful

  • quitting your job to start your own business

  • accepting only projects and clients that light-you-up

  • buying a Eurovan and traveling the country

  • finding your soulmate or getting married

  • having kids

  • creating a healthy work-life balance

  • finding time for exercise and moving your body everyday

  • creating an organized, aesthetically-pleasing, well-functioning home

  • spending uninterrupted time with the people you love

  • finding moments of peace and calm in your every day

Your desires are the map to follow to your best, most fulfilling life.

Pay attention to what you truly desire

What is it that you want?

Why don’t you have [that thing] yet?

What’s keeping you from getting [that thing]?

I’d like to suggest that it’s your brain that is keeping you from getting what you want.🙃

We all have goals and want things, but doing these things... achieving your big goals… can require hard work.

Very hard work.

Getting the things worth having in life takes motivation and energy.

The question is—

Are you WILLING to go for what you WANT?

And maybe... you’re not going for [that thing] because you don’t have a powerful enough reason to do it yet.

Or, maybe… you just don’t want it that bad.

(I say I want “a tight butt,” but do I do squats every day? Nope. I guess I don’t want it that bad. And that’s ok.)

So, back to that thing you want—

Ask yourself, “WHY do I want it?”

What is so important about getting that?

How will your life change if you were able to [insert big goal or desire here]?

That’s your big motivating factor!

Once you have a compelling enough reason WHY, you will create the powerful pull strong enough to start taking the actions required to make that thing happen.

Back to my online course example—my why:

I want to help more people get organized and manage their time so they have more time in their life to do the things that really matter.

But, I’m only one person with so many hours in my day.

So, I could continue to teach and coach clients 1:1 each week, but that’s only 15-16 people I can help in any given 6-month period.

Hence, the online course.

Now that I’m creating an online course with all the lessons I teach my one-on-one clients...

Now, my 1:1 clients are coming to our sessions having already gotten the important information, so our time together is all deep-level coaching!

Is it “easy” or “comfortable” to create all these course videos?

Heck no!

So, why do I do it?

Because I’m WILLING to do the work (temporarily working longer hours writing and recording the videos) in order to get what I WANT (to help more people and better help the 1:1 clients I have—by offering these lessons for them to go back to again and again).

Also, it’s pretty fun—

I get to channel my favorite comedians, in my attempt to make the lessons engaging and fun. :)


What is it that you want?
Why do you want it?

And what are you willing to do to make it happen?

How willing are you to put in the work to go for your dreams?

* * *

Want individual help managing your home, your time, and your life?

“Get Organized for Good”—my 1:1 coaching program (now with online lessons)—might be right for you. Find out!

Click here to book a free, no obligation 40-minute call with me.

This is your chance to ask me anything and find out how I can help you get organized, master your time, and design a home & life you love.